Recovery From Narcissistic Abuse- How Long Will It Take To Recover?

Here is a video where I talk about how to Recover From Narcissistic Abuse with the focus on ” How Long Will It Take to Recover? Look below the video for the transcript.

It is shocking and upsetting for so many of us for how long the trauma of narcissistic abuse torments us.

Recovery from narcissistic abuse can be one of the most frustrating and challenging journeys we could ever take.

It can feel like we take one step forward and two steps back!

Why does this happen? 

Why do the anxiety and depression continue even after we have left the relationship?

The short answer has to do with how we understand and cope with emotional pain.

We need to learn what the trauma is actually for, how to transmute it, and finally, how we free ourselves so we can live a life of joy and freedom—a life without pain.

Then we will be recovered permanently from the abuse we suffered at the hands of the narcissist.

I will explain why your recovery seems to take forever 

And point you into HOW to change that into a direct recovery.

I will talk about the features of narcissistic abuse recovery.

Yes, it may feel overwhelming for you to think how long it will take to heal. The pain you are experiencing might still be unbearable, keeping you frozen in place, not knowing what to do. 

You find it hard to see your way free from it. You may be living with years or even decades of this emotional agony. 

You might have even left the abusive relationship a long time ago, yet it still feels like open wounds. You still feel so traumatized and even broken. 

Let me tell you that you may think you are broken; however, you are not. 

To heal permanently, you need to know that it will take more than being away from your narcissistic partner or having traditional therapy. Healing happens not in your mind but rather in your body. This concept is so important to understand. 

Chances are you feel frustrated, and that is a clue that your intuition is telling you that it is time to move on to true healing. But, unfortunately, what you are doing is not working to recover from the narcissistic abuse you suffered. 

Ask yourself, “What is my pain telling me? It will NOT work to avoid it or run from it. Instead, it is most likely telling you to move toward it with your intention to heal the parts within you that feel broken and damaged. This focus will bring back your wholeness, and you will be on your way to your evolving and freedom. 

Each time we release trauma from within us, all of the energy that was

previously used to manage the wounds inside of us gets released back to the power of creation.

 We release the darkness (trauma) within our being and fill the space with light. Thus, you heal on a quantum level.

 When we start freeing ourselves from our wounds, what happens is one

wound at a time, we’re shifting from being a person who was locked down in survival mode and trying to exist in life with our wounds.

When you’re no longer clogged up with all the trauma, you will have pure consciousness flowing through you. I am not sure you can imagine how powerful this is and that it is the answer to your recovery from the abuse you suffered. 

The wounds keep screaming inside us, and the pain doesn’t go away. But, they are telling us to pay attention and that it is the answer to our freedom.

So how long will it take to recover from narcissistic abuse?

The first thing is the amount of trauma and painful beliefs stuck in your Inner Being, not allowing you to be your True Self. The first thing is the realization that you have trauma within your being that needs to be released.

The second aspect is for you to heal, which is to be present with the pain. You can not keep running from your pain and trauma and not dealing with them.

The third aspect is that you will take on the full responsibility because these traumas are in your being. By acknowledging them, you can then have them released and healed. 

The third aspect is not believing that all the answers to our healing come from outside ourselves. This belief defies the quantum law “so within so without. “

The fourth aspect is willing to be with your pain. The answer to the healing of our trauma is to heal our deep wounds within our being. But, unfortunately, it took me years to figure this out.

Only when I turned inwards that everything started to fall into place.

When we carry significant wounds, they can take a while to heal from, even when we turn inwards. In addition, you may have a lot of trauma to recover from, and this also takes time. 

 So to summarize, ” how long will it take recover from Narcissistic Abuse”:

Number one: is knowing trauma needs to be released from your Inner Being to create space for well-being inside you. 

Number two: is being present with love for yourself by going towards your trauma and into your inner wounds.

Number three: is taking full responsibility to heal your wounds regardless of how they got there.

Number four: is willing to be with the pain and even thankful for it. No longer running from the pain and terrified of feeling it.

You will recover from the abuse you suffered as I have. 

Find my free guide to start your journey to healing from narcissistic abuse on the link here on the site and the eBook I just released called RECOVER FROM NARCISSISTIC ABUSE.

Love to each of you


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