What Happens In Your Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session?

Want to know what happens in a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session? Have a listen to this video where I tell you. If you want to read the post find it below the video.

I want to talk to you about what you can expect when you have a quantum healing hypnosis session in this post.

The thing about a BQH session is that they are each unique. The lifetimes that come through are different, along with the healings. And the way a person receives information changes from session to session and person to person.

Each client must let go of any expectations and allow the session to unfold as it does. 

As a BQH practitioner, I guide the session for the client by asking questions to help them bring forward the information they need. What comes through for them is through their higher self and their guides.

If they need healing, the Higher Self will help them heal during the session and may even look like they expected.

Trapped energies may be released from this lifetime or past lifetimes. Yet, we can hold onto so many emotions in our body that keep us feeling stuck and hold us back in many areas of our lives. 

They need to be released so we can move forward.

So when you have a session, your Higher Self will guide you to the most appropriate time and place and essential thing for you to work on. This may be healing and releasing the issues that are keeping you stuck. 

We do this by looking at where that energy originated and working on releasing and healing it so that you can begin to let go of these challenges and issues you are experiencing in this lifetime.

You may want to tap into some exciting lifetimes. Instead of what you may perceive as a boring lifetime, you are there because you have some important things that need to be resolved before moving on to those types of lives.

No matter what you experience during a session, know that you need this experience to help you move forward in your current life. 

I have had a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session myself, and it seemed like “everyday lifetimes” however, I have to say what I experienced from that session was miraculous as far as healing and energies I released to move on in my life. 

I have had people cry, and I mean seriously cry and release so much emotion they felt changed they have told me. They finally released the emotions during the session that had been in their body for a very long time. They reported that they felt “wonderful” over the following days.

While in the trance of the session, those emotions could freely come to the surface and release, which they needed. 

So the thing about quantum healing is there has never been a more critical time than now to work on releasing all of the density, perhaps from trauma, that you’re holding within the physical body and as we shift into higher states of consciousness and a new plane of existence. So you are raising your vibrations permanently by doing this powerful healing. 

It’s more important than ever to begin to release that heavy baggage full of trapped emotions and trauma from the body so that you can feel lighter and more balanced in your energy.

Quantum healing hypnosis sessions provide clients with a safe space to work through those heavy emotions so they can let them go for good and to step into who they are- their True Self. 

Ok, so let’s talk for a moment about how you may experience receiving the information during your session.

As I have said, each person will receive information during their session in many different ways.

Some clients come in with the expectation that they’ll see everything play out in front of them as if they’re watching a movie; however, many clients do not see things as clearly as they expect.

This can make them feel frustrated during their session.

So you may not see as much of the scene in front of them, and that’s completely normal. There are many ways of receiving information. Some people sense things, others feel something, and others know things. 

I will help you tune in to your inner knowing, which will help you allow those thoughts and the information to come to you and trust what you are receiving even if you don’t see it very clearly.

I experienced this in my own quantum healing hypnosis session. I did see things, but I also had the thoughts and information come into my mind. I could still describe it but received information through thoughts and brief images. 

I had to trust I had the answer to what my practitioner asked. I found my conscious mind wanted to analyze and judge some of what I was receiving, which could make the session less complex when I let go of trying to control the session. 

I found that when I began to trust my inner knowing and allow the information to flow to me and through me. Then, I could tap into so much more knowledge, and it flowed so effortlessly.

If you’re thinking about having a quantum healing hypnosis session, it’s essential to let go of any expectations.

You will receive the information from your Higher Self clearly if you let it flow to you. It can be very visual, but for many, it’s more of a knowing and a trusting that you are connected to your Higher Self and your team of light. 

You are receiving everything that you need for your session.

Alright, so what can you do to prepare for your quantum healing hypnosis session.

Here are some recommendations:

  • Begin to practice meditation before your session because it will help you learn how to quiet that conscious monkey mind, and it will help you to get into a higher frequency that will assist you much during your session
  • Begin a practice of visualizing and using your imagination to create different scenes in your mind as the higher self communicates to you through your imagination and visualization. 

So the more you can practice before your session, the better experience you might have. 

Try to work on visualization. For example, you can close your eyes and take in a few deep breaths and then allow yourself to create a scene n your mind. 

Here’s an example: 

Picture in your mind your kitchen. 

  • Focus on the various details of the kitchen.
  • Be as specific as possible.
  • What color are the walls?
  • The cupboards? The appliances?
  • The countertop?
  • What about the windows- where are they?
  • Is there a table in the room? Chairs?
  • Are there any small appliances out – a toaster?
  • What about the Coffee pot?
  • What color is the floor? 

This is how easy it is to visualize and help you understand what it may be like during your hypnosis session.

But if you’re not a visual person practicing visualization, I suggest tapping into that imagination and if you can’t see the kitchen, make it up. Use your imagination to create the scene, and that is a perfect way to strengthen your ability to visualize.

Meditation is a beautiful way to connect with Source and your Higher Self and learn to quiet your mind.

I have found many meditations on Youtube that I listen to. So you can find what resonates with you. 

The most important thing you can do is let go of any expectations about what your session will be like. Know that you are being guided to do the work that you need to do to help you release what needs to be released and heal what needs healing.

You may have a very visual session, or you may not see much at all, and that’s completely normal. It’s not going to prevent you from having the session you need.

I hope this helps just a little to help you understand what you can expect during the Quantum Healing Hypnosis session and what not to expect, and it allows you to understand the process.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions are incredibly healing, and they are needed as we experience this great shift.

If you’re interested in experiencing a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session you can find the link here on my website. Book a free consultation with me to get your questions answered or go ahead book a BQH session with me. 



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