What is Beyond Healing Hypnosis Technique (BQH)?

Here is a video where I talk about Quantum Healing and Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis. It is a healing modality that is profound. Have a listen and if you would like to read about it -find the article below the video.
I am a Nurse Clinician and can honestly say that our health care system is flawed at best.
So, we go to a doctor with a physical problem. They believe in a physical cause and prescribe a physical solution, usually prescribing medication. So it’s a very linear way of looking at the world with a materialistic view.
This approach fails to address the root cause of our issues.
But Quantum physics has opened up a whole new realm of possibility in terms of what it means to heal. But, unfortunately, our medical system has struggled and refused to catch up. As a result, we’ve only just begun to explore ideas in the west that have been accepted facts in other parts of the world for a very long time.
Quantum Healing has been making soft waves since the 1980s. Quantum healing is a co-creative process that relies on your belief to create your healing events.
Understanding The Laws of Quantum Physics
Quantum physics is the study of how a subject (you) and an object or event interact with one another.
You can think of it as a universal constant—the quantum field. The unifying theory transcends the physical world and connects the physical (matter) to the intangible (thought).
Quantum healing is concerned with treating objects and events as possibilities. Nothing is absolute. Everything is subject to change, and thus everything is merely a potential of itself. It’s a new paradigm in understanding how we manifest our reality through being active observers.
Intentions and Consciousness
Observing an object changes the nature of how it behaves. We can literally will events into existence. Often, without even realizing it. This makes us all very powerful creators and self-healers.
The Quantum Nature of Disease
We have been led to believe that any imbalance within our bodies results from an external force. Conventional medicine has convinced us that disease is due to toxic matter within the body.
There is some truth to this. Poor diet and lack of self-care can undoubtedly cause issues, but they don’t tell the entire story of how we become unwell.
The mind-body connection is finally receiving some recognition by western medicine and the link that is between the mind, consciousness, and disease.
Our mental, emotional and spiritual health is closely connected with our physical well-being. The illnesses that we think of as diseases are diseases found within the body. The reality is we are out of alignment.
This root causes manifest as symptoms in an unrelated part of the body. What this means for example is, if you’ve experienced emotional trauma and suppressed your feelings over time, these can manifest as physical symptoms.
Past life trauma is the perfect example of the quantum nature of our disorders. Your past lives hold some of the deepest hurt that affects you from lifetime to lifetime.
Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis by researchers such as Dolores Cannon have provided an overwhelming amount of evidence that corroborates that reincarnation exists and the effect our past lives continue to have on us.
We’ve all lived out countless incarnations that continue to exist concurrently with our “I AM” Presence.
And what you repress must be expressed, including all of your past lives where you left your issues unresolved.
What is Quantum Healing?
Quantum Healing is something of a catch-all name for spiritual healing. It’s become a commonly used term for modalities that can loosely be called energy work. Quantum healing is based on your intentions and is not a faith-based form of healing. You don’t need to be spiritual to get results. However, you need to believe you can heal.
But again, to clarify, the idea of consciousness we’re dealing with here is not part of our human thought process. It’s the pervasive force acting both through us and all around us. This force already exists without our participation. It’s the pure essence of reality and the interconnected web of all things. It’s an information field of intelligence in all things, both physical and non-physical.
When we engage in quantum healing, this is what we’re connecting with. It’s the energy that courses through us, whether you call Chi, Prana, Lifeforce, or something else entirely. The most basic form of quantum healing doesn’t require any ceremony. It is a simple prayer, your intention.
Quantum healing is a combination of the belief in yourself and the practitioner to affect an outcome in your life. It could be emotional, mental, or physical. It doesn’t matter. Quantum healing is rooted in your belief to affect your health by creating new possibilities. It’s a co-creative process that relies on a force we still can’t quantify.
Quantum Healing Techniques Will Change Your Life
Many modalities can fall within the bracket of quantum healing. However, here is one of the most effective:
Quantum Healing Hypnosis/Beyond Quantum Healing
Quantum Healing Hypnosis and its variants QHHT and BQH work on changing your past and, therefore, your present by observing it.
These modalities put you in contact with the times and places that are physically removed from your current time and location, allowing you to change your past that will improve your current state of wellness. Quantum Healing Hypnosis works beyond the confines of what we regard as possible within our material understanding of the world.
Benefits of Quantum Healing That Mainstream Science STILL Won’t Accept
Quantum healing is still regarded by those in the traditional world of medicine as pseudo-science. This is despite many clear and irrefutable results offered by those in the field.
People suffering from degenerative and chronic diseases should not be preyed upon by unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies or the medical systems whose only real motivation is financial. Yet this is what is happening.
Because the truth is, the more these drugs and mainstream medical systems fail, the more they can keep you on the line for more.
There is sometimes such a smear campaign against Quantum in the mainstream media because, in all cases, it’s quicker, non-invasive, cheaper, more effective, and comes with zero side effects.
You can go for a single Quantum Healing Hypnosis session and walk away with a profound feeling of renewal – one that lasts. In addition, you can address the actual cause of an issue that many doctors would prescribe pills costing $1,000s.
Or, in some cases, you may even be considered untreatable and may be forced to live with the idea that you can never be healed and must be content with a lower quality of life.
Unless, of course, you take the pills. There is a vested interest to keep you sick and depressed because it pays. There is no money to be made from healthy people.
Quantum healing changes ALL that. It puts the possibility and power to heal firmly in your hands.
You can take back control of your life and your health.
Take Control of Your Future By Exploring Your Past with Beyond Quantum Healing
Are you struggling to take the next step in your life?
Are you in need of healing?
Do you carry trauma or have PTSD?
Are you looking to find your purpose here in this lifetime?
What if I told you it was possible to achieve all of this with a single approach? And no it is not too good to be true.
Believe me, when I tell you, it’s not!
Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) expands on the work of Dolores Cannon, the original pioneer of Quantum Healing Hypnosis with QHHT.
In just one session, you can find out why you’re here on Earth in this lifetime, heal old wounds, heal deep trauma and PTSD, and tap into the infinite wisdom of Your Higher Self.
Are you ready to let go of the past and live your unlimited potential?
Book a session with me and we will do this together.